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Explore teaching resources for water conservation, water quality, stormwater and more.

Water …..WOW – Modules explaining theoretical and practical learning about water and waterways, some information specific to Georges River catchment but applicable elsewhere.
Stage 3 | Cross KLA | Teaching units, Student activities | Georges RiverKeeper
Water Educators Toolkit collated ‘tried and tested’ activities to assist water educators, includes links to Australian curriculum
Stages 1-5 | Australian Water Association
Water Education: Teacher guides and curriculum reports – resources to promote student and teacher understanding on key water topics and issues under the subjects of Science, Geography and History in the national Australian Curriculum
Stages 1-5 | Australian Water Association
Water footprint
Stages 3 – 5 | Cross KLA | Information | Water Footprint Network
School stormwater pollution checklist
Stage 2 – 3 | NSW Office of Environment & Heritage
Story of a River
Stage 2 – 3 | Sustainable Schools NSW
Water NSW – helping primary school students understand where water comes from and how to protect it.
Stages ES1 – 3 | Cross KLA | Teaching units, Student activities, Fact sheets | Water NSW
Sydney Water – water resources for primary teachers.
Stages ES1 – 3 | Cross KLA | Teaching units, Student activities, Fact sheets, Posters| Sydney Water
Wetlands Classroom kit – in celebration of World Wetlands Day a classroom kit.
Stages 2 – 3 | Cross KLA | Teaching units, Student activities, Fact sheets | Aust Dept of the Environment
The GreenWay Schools Sustainability Program – a local model of sustainabiltity involving 23 primary schools. Watch the video. The resource can be downloaded and includes a curriculum framework, activity sheets and excursion ideas.
Stage 2 | Science and Technology, HSIE, Creative Arts, Mathematics | Unit of work, Student activities | Local Sydney councils, Railcorp, Sydney Water, RTA
Natural & Urban Water Cycle – Stage 3 Teacher Lesson Plan
Stage 2 | Science, HSIE | Unit of work | Sydney Water
Cool Australia – Primary & secondary water units
Stages 1 – 5 | Integrated, Inquiry Australian Curriculum aligned lesson plans | Cool Australia
Stormwater Teaching Resource – a Stage 4 cross curricula stormwater teaching resource on stormwater in Blacktown City Council.
Stages 4 – 5 | Cross KLA | Teaching unit | Blacktown Council & Sustainable Schools NSW
Rivers: Sharing our Water – education resource focussing on the Murray-Darling Basin and related aquatic ecosystems to explore water management
Stages 4 – 5 | Geography, Science | teacher resource and student workbook | NSW DPIE
Water NSW – helping primary school students understand where water comes from and how to protect it.
Stages 4 – 5 | Cross KLA | Teaching units, Student activities, Fact sheets | Water NSW
Sydney Water High school excursions give students a behind the scenes look at how a water filtration or wastewater treatment plant works.
Stages 4-6 | Cross KLA | Program information, Educational tours | Sydney Water
Water for Life – Stage 4 geography teaching tips
Stages 4 – 5 | Cross KLA | Teaching unit | Geography Teachers Association NSW
Water Educators Toolkit collated ‘tried and tested’ activities to assist water educators, includes links to Australian curriculum
Stages 1-5 | Australian Water Association
Water Education: Teacher guides and curriculum reports – resources to promote student and teacher understanding on key water topics and issues under the subjects of Science, Geography and History in the national Australian Curriculum
Stages 1-5 | Australian Water Association
Interactive activities
Check out Cool Australia’s Digital Toolbox where you’ll find video clips, documentaries, images, articles, stories and news for each major topic, including water.
Student activities
Water! The life of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area – e-books created by students as part of the Enviro-Stories Education Program.
Catchment Detox – an online game where you are in charge of the whole catchment, ABC Education.