Funding Opportunities

Explore different funding opportunities, grants and competitions that can support your sustainability projects and goals.

School kitchen garden

Our newsletter is the most up-to-date source of grants and competitions currently open for NSW school communities. Click here for our most recent newsletter. 

Funding Support

NSW Department of Education Sustainable Schools Grants

The grant program is now closed. Between 2019 and 2023 all NSW public schools and preschools were able to apply for funding up to $15,000 for sustainability initiatives, with 690 schools delivery hands-on sustainability initiatives linked to the curriculum. 

Junior Landcare Grants 

Grants are available for projects that inspire kids from across the country to get hands-on with projects that focus on sustainable food production, improving waste management practices or enhancing native habitats. Find out more

Stephanie Alexander Garden Grants

Grant programs such as Kickstart your Garden or Start Small Dream Big grants are available under-resourced schools across Australia to kickstart a successful and sustainable Kitchen Garden Program through the Stephanie Alexander program. Find out more

Local Council Grants

Local councils often provide grants to schools in their area for specific projects, so don’t forget to check what is available from your council.

If you are not sure of your local council area you can do a local council search. You can also find out if your Council runs a local schools sustainability network. 

Schools Plus

Schools Plus is a national charity that raises funding for schools in disadvantaged communities. Schools eligible for support through Schools Plus have an ICSEA value below 1000. Funding is available through the Smart Giving Projects for a strategic project that will have a transformational impact on students. 

Science Week School Grants

Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA), with funding assistance from the Australian Government, provides grants for school-initiated National Science Week activities. National Science Week School Grants rants are designed to support teachers and schools deliver engaging STEM events and activities that align with the National Science Week vision

Competitions and Awards are a great way to encourage students to get involved and. to celebrate their achievements. 

Our newsletter is the most up-to-date source of competitions and awards open for NSW schools. Click here for our most recent newsletter

Some annual competitions are listed below

  • NSW Environmental Education Awards: Celebrating the achievements of educations and environmental education programs in NSW. An annual awards supported by the Australian Association for Environmental Education. 
  • Mobile Muster Schools Challenge encouraging the community to reduce e-waste and recycle their mobile phones. 
  • NSW Government Sustainability Awards: NSW Youth as Changemakers Award & Minister’s Young Climate Champion Award, delivered in partnership with the Banksia Foundation. Note there is an entry fee applicable.
  • SCINEMA Junior For students who love science and have an interest in filmmaking.
  • Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize: Video competition for primary and secondary students with a passion for science and communicating ideas..
  • Wild at Art: Threatened Species Children’s Art Competition encourages children unleash their artistic creativity while learning about the extinction crisis facing our native plants and animals.
  • Writing for the Environment: An national annual writing program in honour of the founder of the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre, Bob Walshe
  • Zayed Sustainability Prize a prestigious global award based in the United Arab Emirates recognises achievements of those who are driving impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainability solutions across five distinct categories: Health, Food, Energy, Water and Global High Schools. 

Return and Earn is a unique fundraising channel that converts your litter reduction and recycling efforts into dollars to support your cause.  

There are several ways your school can get involved:

1. Donate refunds to your school –  Encourage your school community to collect eligible drink containers at home and take them to a return point for a refund. The refund can then be donated to your school.

2. Become a Donation Partner – Partner with Return and Earn to receive refunds directly from people recycling their drink containers at any Return and Earn machine or depot. Schools, sports clubs, charities or community groups can be featured on the Return and Earn App. As a Donation Partner, you can receive donated refunds from people returning eligible containers. Click here to find out more

3. Organise a collection drive – Raise money by collecting donated eligible containers from your school community that you can Return and Earn at a return point for a refund. If your school is interested in organising a collection drive or exploring fundraising options, you can get started by checking out how to fund raise with Return and Earn and by downloading the Schools toolkit which includes posters, newsletters and more.

4. Hear what others are doing – you can read some great case studies of how other schools are making the most of the Return and Earn program in their school to get some inspiration!

5. Engage students in learning – Download the free curriculum resources for Early Learning through to Stage 5, and explore practical ways for teachers to engage students on sustainability and recycling and support their school’s participation in the Return and Earn container deposit scheme

Sustainable Schools NSW is a proud partner of Return and Earn, the largest litter reduction initiative ever introduced in NSW.