Environmental educator networks

Regional and local sustainability education networks are available across NSW to support your professional practice.
Central Coast Environment Education Network with Sue and Costa

Networks are a great space to connect with other environmental educators, find new resources and improve your professional practice. 

Environmental education networks are located across all different regions of NSW. Networks may be coordinated by local government educators, Environmental and Zoo Education Centres or even volunteer community educators. Networks can have different goals – some will be focussing specifically on school education while others might have a more broad regional focus. School focussed networks tend to meet once a term, and may have a specific sustainability issue focus and even a guest speaker. Community networks may be online, with an occasional face-to-face meeting. 

Look for a network in your local area – if you are keen to start one up, get in touch! 

  • Bellingen/Nambucca Sustainable Schools Network, supported by Midwaste, Bellingen Shire Council, Nambucca Shire Council and Sustainable Schools NSW, contact Nathalie from Sustainable Schools NSW
  • Central Coast –Central Coast Environmental Education Network for schools, community and agency educators.
  • Cessnock City Council – Contact Tricia 
  • Coffs Harbour Sustainable Schools Network – for teachers and early childhood educators in the Coffs Harbour Council LGA, supported by Council & MidWaste, contact Nathalie from Sustainable Schools NSW
  • Kempsey Sustainable Schools Network, supported by Midwaste, contact Jacquie 
  • Hunter – Hunter Schools Environmental Network HSEN , supported by Wetlands & Awabakal EEC, contact Peter Jones from Wetlands ECC for more Hunter information. 
  • Hunter – Regional Sustainability Educators Network, for government, community and school environmental educators, contact Angus
  • Illawarra – Environmental Educators’ Network – connecting teachers in Wollongong, Kiama and Shellharbour.
  • Lake Macquarie – contact Pamela Baker at Lake Macquaire Council
  • Macleay – Macleay Sustainable Schools Network welcomes local teachers and early childhood educators wanting to network and share ideas about school sustainability. 
  • MidNorth Coast – Sustainability Education Network (MNCSEN) includes environmental educators, local and state government educators and teachers.
  • MidCoast Sustainable Schools Network – In the MidCoast Council area, MSSN is supported by Midwaste, MidCoast Council and SSNSW, contact Sustainable Schools NSW 
  • Northern Rivers – For schools from Grafton to the Queensland border, contact the Northern Rivers Group of the Environmental Educators.
  • Northern Tablelands and North-West – Contact Matt McKenzie from the Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre, Armidale.
  • Riverina Environmental Educators Network – Contact Erin Earth
  • South-East NSW – Sapphire Coast Regional Science Hub Sustainability Education Network, Contact Bournda EEC
  • Southern Tablelands – Wingecarribee/Wollondilly group of Sustainability and Environmental Educators (SEED). Contact Luke 
  • Western Rivers Environmental Educators Network (WREEN) – for environmental educators, sustainability officers, resource efficiency and renewable energy experts and all those interested in preserving the natural values of central western NSW for future generations. Contact Jen
  • Wingecarribee Schools Network – Contact Joe