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Professional Learning
Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to empower future generations

Events and Support
School Sustainability Stories webinars
- Integrating sustainability into the curriculum, Thursday 23 May, register online
- Organics matter…organics matters webinar recording
- Engaging High School Students in Sustainability webinar recording
- Greening your school canteen webinar recording
Take Me Outside NSW
- Evaluating nature connection programs for sustainability with Dr Melissa Hatty, webinar recording
2020 Sustainable Schools NSW Online Conference
Resources from the 2020 Online Conference are available here
Support for environmental and sustainability professional learning can be found via:
- Australian Association of Environmental Education NSW Chapter offers professional development resources, courses, conferences and professional networks.
- Sustainability Connect is a new sustainability education directory sharing information about education providers that can support your PD needs – search the directory for professional development
- Environmental and Zoo Education Centres – NSW Department of Education EZECs offer a fabulous array of professional development courses for teachers, to help you incorporate sustainability education into your curriculum, campus and culture
- Centennial Parklands Professional Development Courses. The Parkland’s Education team offer professional development and training to enable individuals and organisations to learn the skills, knowledge and attitudes to connect children in their own settings. Training themes include adventure in outdoor learning, the outdoor classroom, elemental play (fire, water, air), creativity and imagination outdoors, nature pedagogy.
- Cool Australia’s Online Professional Development Courses – Cool Australia is an award winning, not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of accredited short online courses for early childhood, primary and secondary teachers. The online courses support the integration of sustainability and real-life learning in the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum.
- Dart Learning – This online database connects educators to content providers, their virtual excursions and professional learning opportunities, supported by the NSW DoE Distance and Rural Technologies Team
- My PL – A professional learning management system by the NSW Department of Education